Kelly Chambers
Improving Public Safety
Kelly Chambers will take on the drug and homeless crises in our area. She understands there are countless people suffering from addiction and mental illness who need help. Kelly will ensure our families are safe while getting vulnerable people the treatment and assistance they need.
Maintain & Prioritize Our Infrastructure
Kelly Chambers will make sure our infrastructure is repaired and ready to get us where we need to go. She’ll get the road to the port finished and ensure all our roads and bridges are always in great shape.
Preserving Energy Choice
Kelly Chambers will make sure Pierce County residents maintain the right to choose effective sources of energy. Kelly will make sure there are no more unrealistic mandates so that each resident knows what works best for his or her own needs and budget.
Strengthening Our Education System
Strong education prepares our children for bright futures and great jobs. Fantastic teachers helped Kelly Chambers learn, grow, and become the woman she is today. That’s why Kelly will get our schools the resources they need, ensure crucial skills are taught in our classrooms, and expand early childhood learning opportunities.
Supporting Career Training
Education doesn’t stop after childhood. Kelly Chambers will support and expand career training and education to equip Pierce County residents with the skills they need to find great jobs.
Looking After Public Lands
Pierce County is home to unmatched natural beauty—and it’s our responsibility to be careful stewards of the land. Kelly Chambers will protect and preserve public lands so they can be enjoyed for generations to come.